Conversion rate from lead to deal can vary widely among different brands, based on factors like the sales team's followup process as well as brand factors. However, the rule of thumb average across the industry is that about 1 in 300 online leads will close. That's a 0.33% conversion rate.
When buying leads from FranchiseHelp, or any online lead generator, it's important to remember that these leads are at the very top of the funnel. They have requested information on your brand, but probably don't know a lot about it. They have confirmed their contact information, but you still have to reach out and make a connection with them. Once you receive your leads, it's your job to contact them and move some of them to the next stage, and some to the stage after that, until you close some deals.
What's your conversion rate from our leads? Give us a shout, we'd love to talk data with you and hear your specific experience.
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